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Sunday, April 25, 2010

Obama - HAMP Home Affordable Modification Program

There are is a government sponsored program started by President Obama called HAMP. HAMP stands for Home Affordable Modification Program. The purpose of this program is to speed up the review process for load modification programs. Many of the Dallas Brokers will be able to help you with this process.

Studies have shown that there was a large failure rate of the HAMP (program). This was mainly due to homeowners utilizing the program to avoid foreclosure. There have been others who have had success in using HAMP to avoid foreclosure.

One of my suggestions and advice is to consult with people familiar with the HAMP. Each homeowners circumstances are different and a professional is better to ask your specific questions to. The more thorough the question and answering sessions you have about HAMP and mortgage refinancing in Dallas, the better your results will be.